And I dont still edit your code :D My internet whent out so I could not post everything I did. But I did them all in 1-2 days soo I'm off that now lol. Plus I suck at lua how do you expect me to create something of my own? :D
Lol. Because That thread is for just posting a bunch of scripts and wehn I post new elements I want the post to be just for that element. But I talked to Lockheed about posting different forums lol so I decided I would just post everything in as little forums as possible.
@gamax92(View Post) LOL Like I JUST said. I post the new elements outside that forum so that others see the tittle and not just "post your elements" And I JUST said that I decided to stop because whats his face said it was getting a little cluttered and asked me if I could try not to. So goodbye :]