@Videogamer555 (View Post)
3. create a particle then assign temp manually
im not c coder, i dont know other
@Videogamer555 (View Post)2. make heat transfer = 0. Then set up some stuff in the .c file to make it transfer between itself3. as mniip said, use create_part then manually set temp...
int nr = create_part(-1, x+rx, y+ry, PT_THING);
if (nr!=-1) { //if a particle was created
parts[nr].temp = restrict_flt(9999999.0f, MIN_TEMP, MAX_TEMP);
if (rt&&ptypes[rt].hconduct&&(rt!=PT_HSWC||parts[r>>8].life==10)
C does not have optional arguments. C++ does, but Powder Toy is written in C at the moment.
create_part does not need a temperature argument, just set the temperature after the call to create_part. There's about 20 places in the code where this method is used, it works fine.