New elements, plasma and thunder, acts strange. Why when something touch thunder big pressure appears? Why plasma fly up like fire? Why we can't make plasma from gases? Why plasma don't fly from the wire? Why, why, why... And with these complicated elements new field should be made - magnetic field. For example: plasma "ball" levitate near of metal trying to expand. But when spark run on metal wire, plasma go away from it. There are a lot of uses of this field: radios, magnets, plasma cannons, e.t.c.. With some tricky things, we will be able to make plasma from gases which will be very useful for heating up materials on the big distance (shooting ball of plasma). So I think, with adding magnetic field, PT will make big step for realism as well as for fun!
I agree, by running a current through a gas, such as the steam we have in this game, or by creating a new element to support plasma creation such as Oxygen or usually Argon or Xenon
I'll put in my 2 cents in list form (wow that was a lot of suggestions :p)
1. The pressure created by objects interacting with thunder does seem to be way to high... 2. I agree, plasma should move more like gas and less like fire 3. It makes sense to make plasma from 3500C objects (though it would be better if the upper temperature limit was changed and objects could have their real plasma temperature) 4. By "wire" I'm assuming metal, why should it? Plasma is just really hot stuff, nothing else. 5. I think just the electronics group is good (plenty of magnets in electronics aren't there?)
Magnetism itself might be a good addition to the game but the elements you described don't seem very realistic.
umm... plasmas do behave a lot like fire (seeing as fire is a plasma) for one, but plasmas also stick to charged metals for two... so maybe metal, when charged, attracts plasma.
Fire is a very small portion plasma, but I do agree with you that it should behave like fire after seeing that heat causes pressure differences in the game.
As I've said before, I don't like the complicated ideas that I think remove the whole "game" thing about the Powder Toy. Simulating Magnetic fields is going to be very difficult and something I don't think is needed.
Though I can say that something I'm working on now allows "arcing" with plasma.