I know how to add a password to PowderToy!

  • humanoidbob
    15th Jan 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    1.Just make a file with notepad called autorun.lua
    2.Put it in the same folder as the Powder Toy application.
    3.Paste this into the autorun file.
    local pass = tpt.input("PASSWORD","Please enter the password:");
    if pass ~= "<your password without the <> here>" then do os.exit();
    4.Run the powder toy application and type in your password into the box that should automatically pop up.
    No extra downloads or stuff required to make this work!
  • MasterMind555
    15th Jan 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @humanoidbob (View Post)
    The thing is that anyone with access to your computer ( Which means anyone that would play your version of TPT ) can see the password in the file, if they have some knowledge in TPT...
  • lenscas
    15th Jan 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @MasterMind555 (View Post)
    I know some people that know pleople that do know tpt very good exept the lua part so for those people does it work and I think that you can create a lock on the map of tpt so that they cant look there either or you just hide it on a very hate hard to find place
  • MasterMind555
    15th Jan 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @lenscas (View Post)
    If they move Powder.exe out of the folder, the autorun doesn't get executed
  • lenscas
    15th Jan 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @MasterMind555 (View Post)
    just make a short cut to it and how can they move it if they cant go to the folder where it is
    edit: i think the only importent thing you maby want to proteckt are your safes / stamps and if they mess with the .exe they are not logged in as you and they don't have the stamps or the safes you have on your com
  • mniip
    15th Jan 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @lenscas (View Post)
    Shortcut->context menu->Properties

    actually i'd prefer some encryption system, if not md5, maybe MultDiv
    and again, it will be not ran, if autorun is not in same folder
  • lenscas
    15th Jan 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    i know that but you can still lock the folder wher tpt is so they can't come in the shortcut is so that you dont have that trouble so maby it can come in handy but i don't think so because you can just don't use the short cut and just use the lock on the folder
  • MasterMind555
    15th Jan 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @lenscas (View Post)
    Maybe just not be careless and close your session when you get away from the computer...
  • Sylvi
    15th Jan 2012 Moderator 0 Permalink
    The best security for TPT on a shared computer is not to leave your account logged in.
    Moved to general section. This is not a mod.
  • me4502
    15th Jan 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @humanoidbob (View Post)
    maybe try this, put it in a file called password.something and encrypt it, also, make the autorun file hidden to that dir, and maybe make it so it wont run if its moved out of dir, eg, make a file that disables all DLL files in that folder