Purpose: This thread is solely dedicated to people who have any Lua question. This thread will hopefully prevent people from making an entire thread for a single question.
Format: This is the format explaining how you would post here: 1-question format: 1.place your question/s in this section, ordered by a number so people do not think your question\s are all together. 2.(question here and in one) (etc)
2-Answer format: @(user you are responding to) (what question you are answering, E.G 1,2) Answer here:
Okay, start asking and answering.
1. why does this code not make my element light blue? tpt.el.brel.name="DMNP" tpt.el.brel.desscription="Diamond powder." tpt.el.brel.menusection=6 tpt.el.brel.flammable=0 tpt.el.brel.color=0xCFFFEF
it works on dust, but, brel may have its own graphics section thingy that overrides it... Powder-Sim will have a full Graphics API in the next version xD
@kerbal1234(View Post) Some element graphics are cached, and the cache is not yet cleared when tpt.el is modified - so graphics might not change when tpt.el.colour or tpt.el.properties are changed.
@me4502(View Post) Thank you for using the format! i am exited for powder sim's next release. @jacksonmj(View Post) Great. I shall get the new beta! or 70.2... I dont know. @_@
2. I'm a noob on the area and it just wont work out for me :/ you see, tpt wont run my autorun.lua let me explain step by step how I do and you may error report me :). 1, I go to my tpt directory file and create a new textfile. 2 I copy paste some nice described code from the forum to my textfile. 3 I save it as a textfile (.txt) named autorun.lua. 4 I open tpt but it doesn't seem to work so I open console and type in dofile('autorun.lua') and then I get the console error message that it cannot find autorun.lua so what did I do wrong? :/