Hello, all! Just though I'd share this small web page with you! It's a dynamic web page that displays the fibbonacci sequence up to the 16th member. It was inspired by a web site that triclops200 posted a while back. You have to have JavaScript enabled for it to work properly. Linky By the way, guess where I'm hosting it from...believe it or not, I'm using my Dropbox account to host it! Let me know what you think!
Yes. It's an experiment in JS, and also to see if I could get Dropbox to function as a file server. In addition, its my first ever 'public' web page.
UPDATE: Now has a favicon. It's supposed to be a picture of part of a nautilus shell, but the image resolution is unfortunately incorrect for this application. Oh well, it's just a test anyways.
UPDATE2: There! the icon looks a little better after a tad bit of Gimp magic!
For those that care, the page has been slightly updated. Also, keep in mind that this is just a testbed that I'm showing off. It's meant to test site hosting with Dropbox and to test some JavaScript/page-design ideas that I have.
Or, you could use 000webhost. I'm using it now, but might start my own hosting from home. The thing I see with Dropbox is you need to have all the base software such as PHP, MySql, Apache. Still it's a triumph! My website: (Built it by myself with modify scripts for my use) http://www.emptyinspiration.com
Yeah, when hosting from Dropbox it's difficult to use any server-side magic on a web page. It's nice, though, for concept work and quick-and-dirty accross-the-web tests of locally developed web pages/sites. Also, by the way, nice site!