I'm trying to compile TPT from the official git repositary (my HEAD is 769b26e 2011-11-17). I'm going by the wiki tutorial and am using Code::Blocks 10.05. I've done everything what's in the tutorial. It compiles well enough but fails at linking. Here is the build log http://pastebin.com/5qBPrcBR. I think it's connected to SDL Bug 974 -- http://goo.gl/HLiqi. The verson of SDL I have is SDL-devel-1.2.14-mingw32. Any ideas what to do?
What is the exact order of the libraries in "Project -> Build options -> Linker settings"? gcc is sometimes a bit fussy about the order in which it links libraries, try swapping the positions of SDL and SDLmain.
If it still doesn't work, try using the Makefile that comes with the source ("make powder-sse3.exe").
I'll look at the makefile problem next time I have access to Windows (probably in about two weeks time) - but it might help me reproduce the problem if you pastebin the errors you got.
Here is what make said: http://pastebin.com/C7GyHY3L. And yes, now I know that the togglable zoom is implemented. I've discovered it in the source a few minutes ago. *hides in shame* Somehow I missed it in the changelog...