Jacob1's Mod

  • jacob1
    17th Jan 2022 Developer 0 Permalink
    @IEATDIRT (View Post)
    RAZR has no use besides being occasionally fun to play with.

    BUTN I actually like though, I think it's a better solution than spark signs for On buttons.
    17th Jan 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    @IEATDIRT (View Post)

     what is tpt ultimata

    17th Jan 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    @ILIKEEAGLES (View Post)


    TPT Ultimata is a mod made by Bowserinator, that adds a bunch of useful elements, and equally as many useless elements.

    It seems to have issues with memory read write errors according to some people, but I have no such issues.

    Edited once by IEATDIRT. Last: 17th Jan 2022
  • Lord_Bowserinator
    17th Jan 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    @IEATDIRT (View Post)

     There is a weird bug in the latest update that crashes it and I can't figure out why lol

  • engineerstillplays
    21st Mar 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    so ive downloaded the 32 bit zip file on my lenovo chromebook, how do i open them?

  • jacob1
    21st Mar 2022 Developer 0 Permalink
    @engineerstillplays (View Post)
    This must be a response to my conversation with ayoo on the discord. There wasn't a resolution to that, ayoo never reported back progress or if they were successful in running the Linux version on a Chromebook.

    You should read the convo in #help for yourself and if you are up to the task, try to figure out if you can get it running. If you can, I'd be very interested, so I could start giving advice on how to run the Linux version of TPT on a Chromebook.
  • jacob1
    5th Jun 2022 Developer 1 Permalink
    Version 49.0 Released!

    Version 49.0 2022-06-05
    • Update with all changes made to vanilla tpt in the last few months (various new reactions, bugfixes, replace pavg with tmp3/tmp4)
    • Update to script manager 3.12 (https, search feature)
    • ctrl+backspace/delete in legacy interfaces
    • No longer automatically load / render incompatible saves by default
    • Add new "load incompatible saves" option
    • ctrl+click a username in save browser opens profile on the website again
    • Fix warning message when uploading saves with stasis wall or LDTC
    • Add "No saves found" message to online save browser
    • Fix !quit
    • Fix interface closing when copying save id after uploading a save
    • Fix slider colors not being initialized in Lua Slider components
    • gfx. API now matches vanilla coordinate behavior when inside Lua Windows.
    • Remove obscure and broken feature where moving SPNG drags stuff behind itself
    • Remove inaccessible "Empty" edge mode
    • Both of these removed features are buggy and may have been crash-inducing

    First update in months, this one merges in all recent changes to vanilla. This includes a fix to PIPE mirroring while placing stamps, reinforced GLAS, new WTRV + BCOL reaction for PTNM, a way to detect charged LITH via PHOT reflection color, NEUT passing through BGLA, and others. You can see the full vanilla changelog in the snapshots here.

    This update also merges in the vanilla change where pavg0 has been renamed to tmp3, and pavg1 to tmp4. They were also changed into integers instead of floats. Vanilla elements using these work the same, and can be saved / loaded in prior versions with no effect. tmp3 / tmp4 also have the ability to save up to 4 bytes (rather than 2, the old limit), but this is temporarily disabled until 97.0 releases. This may cause strange effects like PHOT loading blue instead of white inside PIPE. Compatibility has been added to Lua so elements can use sim.partProperty with pavg0 / pavg1 still. Elements using these as floats may break, as behind the scenes they are now ints.

    Download Version 49.0 for Windows
    Download Version 49.0 for macOS
    Download Version 49.0 for 64 bit linux.
    Download Version 49.0 for 32 bit linux.
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 5th Jun 2022
  • edr-01
    20th Jun 2022 Member 0 Permalink

    Excellent job as always! I have a question about the settings. Is it possible to save or define default settings for new games and, if so, how?

    For example, I'd like to have Sand Effect, Newtonian Gravity, Ambient Heat, Water Equalization, Realistic Heat, and Alternative Search always enabled when opening TPT, but only Sand Effect, Alt Find, and Ambient Heat stay enabled after closing and re-opening.

    I tried to modify powder.pref to "1" value on the "NewtonianGravity" and "realistic" parameters, but the game overwrites it back to a "0" value. Stangely enough, the old secret parameter "EXPL_unlocked: 1" works and is never reverted to a "0" value.

    Thank you for all your work!

  • jacob1
    20th Jun 2022 Developer 1 Permalink
    @edr-01 (View Post)
    There is no way to adjust which settings are and aren't saved to powder.pref. Although I'd be willing to make more settings preserve themselves during restarts. Which settings that don't currently do this, do you think should?

    What I have done in the past is create a script to change the defaults. I didn't like how edge mode preserved between restarts, so made a script to always set it to void on startup. Then I made it also change m brush settings to 1x1 sprk.
    I had this in autorun.lua:
    tpt.brushx = 0
    tpt.brushy = 0
    tpt.selectedl = "DEFAULT_PT_SPRK"

    if gfx.toolTip then
    gfx.toolTip("", 0,0,0,4)

    About your settings - I've always noticed that NewtonianGravity doesn't load on startup, but never found it to be a big deal because any saves that use it automatically turn it on. But, actually that is a 6 year old bug in my mod ... I have made a fix for it now.

    Of the other options you mentioned, water equalization and realistic heat don't preserve across restarts. Realistic heat should, I just never wrote code to load it (only to save it). Alt search (I assume you mean "old menu") intentionally does not load because it's a terrible menu system that I only enabled because I find legacy / historical code and interfaces to be interesting. But I don't want anyone actually using that menu, and people have been confused about it in the past, so I keep it disabled on startup always. The rest will keep whatever option you had, and if you want to explicitly enable them on every startup you can use a script like I wrote above.
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 20th Jun 2022
  • edr-01
    21st Jun 2022 Member 0 Permalink


    @jacob1 (View Post)


    Thank you for your detailed reply!

    I think that Savask's Realistic Heat, Water Equalization, and the manual Heat View interval settings should be preserved across restarts.
    I'm happy to know that you've fixed this for Newtonian Gravity! I'm looking forward to the next version of the mod.

    I apologize for the confusion about the Alternative Find Mode (FND2 in the "MORE" menu). I mentioned it as an example of a special setting of your mod that is preserved across restarts, unlike Savask's Realistic Heat from the same menu.

    The Old Experimental Menus feature is cool but I agree it should never be loaded on startup. It's buggy and has far fewer features than the default.