My idea is for either an element that does not interact with any other element and does not impede the natural movement of any other element because it is in the background but can still be colored like any other element, or just a tool that will change the color of the "Empty" space. If it is a material then call it something like "Background Prop" (BGPR) or whatever seems fitting. This will make it possible to have object that may be important but will not interfere with what happens on a publication. Let me know what you think.
@MasterMind555(View Post) That is not the case when it comes to PIPE, is it? So basically it should be like pipe, except it does not act on other particles, it applies to all objects, and it will not cover up particles when it's color is changed like pipe does.
@AWhiteGuy(View Post) actually, pipe does not have multiple particles per position, it uses ctype instead. But, it is true that you can have multiple pixels per position. I think you might be able to do this by adding a dcolour variable for PT_NONE, but I may be wrong...
@plead-for-destruction(View Post) I know that, I was talking about the actual coding, ie. modding it... @MasterMind555(View Post) I'm pretty certain that photon doesn't store the number of particles under it in ctype... And I know that you can have multiple particles in one space...