Step 16. Using the HEAT tool, melt everything in the STNE and CNCT sections and all the metals, Metal melts at 1000 C while PSCN and SALT and all other metals melt at 1500 C, STNE below everything else except wax. (NOTE: LAVA IS EXTREMELY DENSE AND HEAVY, IT MAY FALL OFF YOUR PLANET, INCREASE THE BLACK HOLE TO HELP PREVENT THIS, IF YOUR PLANET BECOMES DEFORMED, ADD MOAR CNCT TO EVEN IT OUT)
Step 17. Press PLAY to allow things to form and what not.
Step 18. use the AIR tool on a rather low brush setting to mix things around (Everything will be LAVA at this point, Salt based Lava is the same density as all lava)
Step 19. Your Ice caps have melted and its time to cool things off, use the COOL tool to do this, on all Lava and Ice Caps
Step 20. Add drops and dollops of water over your planet to form small oceans, lakes and such. Use HEAT tool to stop it from freezing
Step 21. Decorate with plants and mountains
Post Results: I got this as a quick low quality one