new element

  • surfcash
    2nd Sep 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    it hasnt been requested in awhile and since putting new elements in is supposedly easier i hope someone can add this in the next update. i think there should be a powered wall, it would pretty much be a pixel thick e-wall.

    How it would work:
    - it would be powered on by pscn and powered off by nscn
    - it would block out pressure, similar to wall
    - doesnt melt or break
    - does not tranfer heat
    - color would be similar to lcry, but brighter

    could be used as an indestructable insulator that everyone wants
    could help with despensing elements and trapping them
    could keep pressure out of things you dont want it in (specifically protect wifi)

    if you have any suggestions let me know
  • MasterMind555
    2nd Sep 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @surfcash (View Post)
    The Element suggestion category
  • surfcash
    2nd Sep 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    woops, my bad, i didnt even notice it. is there a way to move it?
  • jacksonmj
    2nd Sep 2011 Developer 0 Permalink
    Pressure works on the same scale as walls (4x4 pixel grid), so particles can't completely block it.

    A powered element which lets particles pass through it wouldn't work very well. The game can only store one particle per pixel in the pmap (which is used to find nearby particles to switch on/off or interact or collide with). Switching on/off would only work properly if putting pixel thick e-wall in the pmap was prioritised, but it would then always act like INVS sometimes does (collisions are broken, allows an infinite number of particles to be in the same place).

    Also: PUMP, GPMP, and PRTO do not conduct heat and are indestructible (except by BOMB). Dispensing an element is easy with STOR.