Bugs in ver 42.3

  • Videogamer555
    23rd Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I notice in the new version, that there are these bugs ( remaining unfixed from the previous version). These are documented in the picture below, as they are easier to document with an annotated picture than with words alone.

    Several materials do this when you ctrl+click and drag to add a box shape of the material. Nitroglycerin is one. Another is Liquid N2. So far from what I've seen, it is liquids, not powders, that have that bug.
  • Pilihp64
    23rd Sep 2010 Developer 0 Permalink
    yes that is strange... and just download it from the website and replace the .exe
    mine says 42.3 and also has this bug
  • HeyJD
    23rd Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Yeah It had that bug in the last version too.
    And you don't need to make a square for that bug to work. you just click and it acts weirdly like that.
    I've also noticed that that glitch happens with all liquids.
  • Candunc
    23rd Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I think its a glitch remaining from the original powder toy, because it does that in my OLD one too. (It is VERY annoying)
  • Videogamer555
    23rd Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Ok, update and NEW PICTURE to replace the old one. I accidentally clicked the old exe file. I now used the new one and correspondingly updated my image and text. Please reread and re-look-at my opening post and picture.

    Is this a bug that the developers are aware of, and are working to fix?
  • HeyJD
    23rd Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    It didn't do it in the original powder toy.
  • Wilq15
    23rd Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    It is not a bug!

    Ilussion of particles realistic move just try to open bootle of water up-down and falling water will do this same... just feature to make PT little more realistic.
  • Neospector
    23rd Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Actually it only does it to mine when things are laggy.
    Wow, Vista actually does have a good side!
  • HeyJD
    23rd Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    ... Nope...
    This happens as soon as you create the liquid.
  • Videogamer555
    23rd Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    My question remains, are the devs working on these 2 bugs, (one: the instant stalactites, two: the liquid forming OUTSIDE the box instead of inside)? And also why don't the devs come to the forum and directly reply to the bug report so I know they are at least aware of the bugs and bug reports?