The Volcano will erupt on its own VERY soon. You must build a defense that will stop the lava from killing your green friend, your allotted time to build is the time from the start of the simulation to when the volcano erupts completely. After the volcano removes the cap on top completely you are to stop building and watch your creation defend him.
You CANNOT use:
Any of the special elements (the ones in the star section.)
No radioactives, No PTCT, NTCT, PSCN, NSCN
no SWCH, BTRY, or ETRD. (these elements are indestructible)
No Walls
Please be honest to yourself, don't press Pause at anytime or alter anything that is given.
Note: some lava will leak out at first, THIS IS NOT THE END OF BUILDING, you build up until the cap is destroyed and it is completely dissolved.