Ideas Laser (LSER) it's hot like lava,travels in straight direction and will be reflected by glass and diamond ------------ Matter (MTTR) Will be light blue-white for some secs,then will generate a casual solid! If in contact with Antimatter when isn't transformed will generate an UNIVERSAL HUGE EXPLOSION OF FIRE,PLASMA AND PHOTONS! ------------ Active shield (ASHL) Solid,Blue color, when activated ( electricity ) if something of dangerous hits it (Thunder or similar) will create a wave that repels all things ------------ -=[WALLS]=- ------------ Portal(s) Will be 2 walls,1 green (Input) 1 red (Output) When something pass the green portal will be transported in the red
I've made Active Shield on my own by filling a 1px diamond wall with Thunder.
Also, laser already exists. It's perfectly possible to generate a giant red laser beam that burns everything it touches in the game, but you have to figure out how to do it. ^^
Also, laser already exists. It's perfectly possible to generate a giant red laser beam that burns everything it touches in the game, but you have to figure out how to do it. ^^
Now, now a moderator wouldn't lead people astray would she?
XD for protect the BSTS (Better suck than steal) and also cause i HATE stealers... The "Uneditable" button (Behold the publishing button) it will make the save un-saveable and un-particleator (You cant add particles),nice?