FAIL! When you try to add ANYTHING it closed the program. That was version 1.7 for Windows but since then Linux ver is up to 1.9 (probably fixes bugs) but 1.9 has NOT been compiled yet for Windows, ONLY LINUX. Please compile 1.9 for linux.
@Videogamer555(View Post) Yes nobody has compiled for windows so when ever you try 2 do something it closes it.Its has been like that for quite a while...
@Mariofan1701 Just download it anywhere and run it like you run the normal TPT. It's no add-ons or anything, just a simple double-click to run the mod.
Also: Am trying to compile for Windows now, will post results here soon.
EDIT: It doesn't want to compile - can't find a file that is clearly in the directory it's looking in for. :<