Uhm, I'd like a loose solid. Something that you can drop, something that can be tossed. Also grab, to toss it with. Being able to open an options menu to determine the object's material. It'd be in special, and you place it out, then you ctrl alt click it to change it's material. I thought of this when trying to drop a nuke. Also a fuse material, one that doesn't BLOW UP, just something to ignite superior explosives.
Also on the options menu, you could choose the heat and etc.
Uhm, I'd like a loose solid. Something that you can drop, something that can be tossed. Also grab, to toss it with. Being able to open an options menu to determine the object's material. It'd be in special, and you place it out, then you ctrl alt click it to change it's material. I thought of this when trying to drop a nuke. Also a fuse material, one that doesn't BLOW UP, just something to ignite superior explosives.Also on the options menu, you could choose the heat and etc.Thanks.
4 elements -- balls of= earth fire air/wind water rubber--bounces gravity-- a wall that attracts all objects down, can increase or decrease strength enriched uranium--needs neutrons control rods for reactors-- wall or solid that absorbs neutrons bacteria--need different types gears, levers,pulleys etc. views--full screen, weight view, 3d mode titanium-- unbreakable metal human/alien--human not player controlled,alien attacks human --humans ability is to lift run walk and jump also to use objects like a sword that you made using commands built in command prompt to command objects and give them uses so human can control them coolant--cools objects and does not turn into gas or solid and is not cold but keeps objects cold
please use i and many other people i know would love these items to be used especially all of them