cracker64's version works fine. Liquid Nitrogen is liquid, and YEST works perfectly. I was even able to create a device that controls YEST grows based on how many electricity you put on input. And it uses INWR. Can't wait to release of version 42.
Soy-Biodiesel has a honey-ish colour, true diesel (Fuel Oil) is actually colourless. I've always known Diesel to be a reddish colour as it has dye in it to indicate Fuel Duty has been paid, I could be wrong; That, and theres a drink called a Red Diesel (Lager, Cider and Blackcurrent)
kamikai something needs to be iron in the first place, so its basically Iron.
I can make thermite in my back yard by applying high energy to iron and allowing it to oxidize over water quickly and then as you said using a reducer such as copper, I use lead sometimes because thats all thats sitting around :P
I, celebrating 42 Beta version of "The Powder Toy," I did Thermite Factory: puts "Thermite Factory" in the search box and see, only works with version 42 Beta.