i and @jacob1 , mostly me, though, have succeeded at some success at making an official port of TPT to android. Not sure why (maybe wrong toolchain, or some arcane gcc options), but it doesn't yet run at a reasonable fps... Unlike this, ours uses the C++ version, aka, latest. https://github.com/mniip/The-Powder-Toy/tree/android
@lucasa1(View Post) iOS devices development is completely different, first of all, to develop you need a mac, a very little developers i know have a mac (makes sense) then, to upload apps, you need to pay $99 per year, and whenever you upload an app, a team of educated monkeys from apple and NSA would scan through your application before publishing it
@mniip(View Post) >to develop you need a mac, a very little developers i know have a mac (makes sense)
In some development environments such as web development, Macs are actually fairly widely used AND recommended. A recent Startups course I took for example suggests the use of Macs.
@mniip(View Post) >then, to upload apps, you need to pay $99 per year, and whenever you upload an app, a team of educated monkeys from apple and NSA would scan through your application before publishing it
One could always distribute via the Cydia store which is practically apt with iOS stuff in it, setting up a repository for The Powder Toy wouldn't be that difficult and would serve quite a lot of use... See
@boxmein(View Post) we still don't have a mac and have no will to get one just to make on app for cydia. I was thinking maybe cydia if anything, but I think it would easy, getting it to work for android was hard enough
Bought TPT From Google! Works great. Tried several keyboards and SlideIt keyboard is the only one that works with TPT on my device. not that anyone cares I cant load live saves or open in browser would b nice to link to..