Good idea. Right now I have it diffuse like WARP and I can change it to be like GVTN but negative.
Also, I will have to find out how to get the positrons to go through the tritium and react like PLUT and NEUT.
I am also working on mesons, what should they do?
Apparently mesons are involved in the strong interaction between quarks. The type involved here is a pion. Other mesons occur as decay products of other particles. Perhaps there could be different mesons based on what quark types we used to make them (up, antidown, strange, anticharm top, antibottom, etc.)
Yes. OK, sounds like good ideas.
When you add muons, are you planning on adding muon-catalyzed fusion for hydrogen?
Maybe...It would be cool. Also, could you give me feedback on whether darkmatter should move like a particle such as GVTN, or slowly and in patterns (like moving solids) based on gravity? I would go for the second one, it is very intersting. I will upload pictures to the main thread post here.
That does seem like a neat way for it to move. Also, instead of moving towards areas with positive gravity, like BHOL for example, it would move towards areas with negative gravity, like from a WHOL.
It has it's own field of negative gravity, so positive gravity does not affect it unless it's gravity is greater than the dark matter's gravity. If it moves toward WHOL, the two negative gravity fields will push away from eachother. Also, I just added muons and Im working on uCF, time for a test run...
EDIT:Muon catalysed fusion works great
Two days ago 2.0.2 came out. Once I am finished with the subatomics, version 2.0.3 will be out.
When you were saying that you would be finished with the subatomics, is that referring to the ones currently being worked on, or the entire Standard Model?