Ark5 Good bye. I admit zc00gii was a bit harsh, but it wasn't just your spelling/grammar that made me label you as an "annoying noob". It was stubbornness, refusing to research things you don't understand, refusal to read the instructions given carefully (13b. Download the source code), arrogance, and more.
I'll probably get a slap for this one but I feel a need to air my views:
Good spelling and grammar is optional, but it makes it easier on people who aren't native English speakers and people who use tools such as Google Translate, to view the site.
Technically I am a developer as I have created a few elements myself which have been added to the trunk, I don't feel as though I should be above anybody else in this forum just because I have contributed to the game. I don't feel like that I should be granted any more rights than any other user just because I made a couple of elements.
Anyway, seeing as I haven't really seen an answer over 6 OT pages....
If you go to and click Download Source near the top. You will then get an option to download as either a TAR or a ZIP file, go with whichever you know how to use, the download will begin shortly, extracted the archive to your desired location and then edit however you see fit. ^^