Why make it an insulator. give a good reason to make it an insulator other than because it does not burn.
In real life most electrical insulators will burn with enough heat. believe me. I have replaced numerous burnt wires in machines on the manufacturing floor. I know what I am talking about. Also, in real life, ceramics are used as dielectrics. they are not a simple insulator. capicitors are made from ceramics. so if its gonna be real we better get the details right. Ceramic's life value should count down by one for each spark that encounters it. when the life gets to zero a spark will pass and life is reset to the set value. this should adequately approximate the DIELECTRIC properties of Ceramic.
Or we could just set a parameter (tmp or tmp2) as spark passing or spark blocking and everyone can be happy.
just like FRME can be sticky or non-sticky by setting tmp to not zero.
also there are electrically conductive forms of ceramics as well. industrial ceramics have been a consistant part of my real life for a long time. just as long as lasers have actually.
How about make a resistance property as life? As Ceramic comes in contact with neutrons its life degrades until it turns into CLST. or maybe have this reaction only take place within the pressure limit of the particle?
CERM melts when it is over 4000 deg. Life should be used as a dielectric property in electronics.
I meant this kind of jokingly, however I am starting to think the dielectric property would be awesome. If Tmp is not zero then if the Life is set to 0 it would allow spark every encounter. Life of 1 would allow every other, 2 every third..... It would be a real TPT capacitor. If Tmp is 0 then it acts like an insulator.
your right. it may be toooo much :)
CERM melts when it is over 4000 deg. Life should be used as a dielectric property in electronics.
I meant this kind of jokingly, however I am starting to think the dielectric property would be awesome. If Tmp is not zero then if the Life is set to 0 it would allow spark every encounter. Life of 1 would allow every other, 2 every third..... It would be a real TPT capacitor. If Tmp is 0 then it acts like an insulator.
I like this idea. Maybe the color should change depending on life, so you can tell the difference.
To make the color change easier to see, tmp2 could just cause a SMALL difference in brightness, and life would change the brightness and hue
if we can get jacob1 on board?
Well, he said in another forum that he doesn't like when changing a property changes how an element behaves without any visual difference (I think, or maybe that was someone else)
EDIT: this isn't really related, but we still don't have an element that:
-is solid
-isn't affected by SPRK
-doesn't break from pressure
CLST comes pretty close, though.