• TheWiseEyes
    3rd Aug 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • tutut125
    3rd Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    well to a greater extent and when you plug that current from water in it returns into normal speed i want it permenent.
  • Raw
    3rd Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    thanks bchandark, kamikai
    having seperate type of water for electrolysis would also be kinda desperate..
    re the heater solid, how about an indestructable solid that heats when sparked? Element?
    although, building suitable heaters out of materials available is a fun challenge..
  • ZebraineZ
    3rd Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Here is my idea of battery acid.

    Basically, when it touches metal or anything conductive, it converts into electricity, therefore, it's non-renewable.

    This way we can have realistic batteries and I guess temporary power, because if you spark something, it will go until the end and disappear, and if you use battery or loop the spark, it goes on forever with no stop.

    So like, let's say you drop 5 pixels of battery acid on a piece of metal, each one turns to a pixel of spark and disappears.
  • bchandark
    3rd Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Use a switch that turns on in the beginning and turn it off how ever many frames after your desired number of sparks come through (use battery). Or use HolyExLxf's amplifiers
  • ZebraineZ
    3rd Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink

    Yeah but that is the thing, that's still sort of preset, I want something that is a bit more random/temporary and natural.

    This way we can make REAL batteries that run out once the 'juice' is gone, and you could make different powered acid so that one pixel of battery acid 'x3' would be 3 sparks...get it? This is sort of how some batteries work in real life (this isn't real life I know but for example cheap batteries vs good quality ones), same size more/less juice.
  • tutut125
    3rd Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    nice ideaZebraineZ
  • bchandark
    3rd Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Wouldn't your way be preset also, since the user defines the number of sparks? It's pretty easy with switch, and I don't see any benefits with your idea.
  • ZebraineZ
    3rd Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink

    That's just a rough example, there are a bunch of other factors and elements that could be involved so it's not so black and white.
  • Wilq15
    3rd Aug 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Ok about Solar Panel it is good idea about element that generate current when absorbing photons....good for electronics
    and one generating photons under current.

    I say loud YES for them.