I am the owner of http://www.alteaaerospace.com and I came across https://powdertoy.co.uk/Discussions/Thread/View.html?Post=113757 in a google search tonight, which is a bogus group named "Altea Aerospace" started by one of your members named 'EqualsThree'. In that thread he claims that alteaaerospace.com and the software on it is his creation, which it obviously is not. I can prove I am the owner of http://www.alteaaerospace.com/ if you are able to 1) go to http://www.alteaaerospace.com/ and click on the "Contact Info" tab at the top-right, and 2) click the "E-mail: dougb@alteaaerospace.com" link on that page to send me a short message asking if this is me. Then I'll reply in the affirmative. I'd like the bogus "Altea Aerospace" group by 'EqualsTree' removed, please, after you confirm that I do own the web site in question. Thanks for your help.