If there is a Ceramic Category in the near future of TPT. Elements I'd like to see.
BORC (Boron Carbide)
Asorbs neutrons and controls the rate of fission so it doesn't explode. Fairly Good Idea.
Mud a long time rejected idea. But MUD could be a ceramic! it'd form mixtures.
Solid Mud SMUD (Blocks electrons and photons.)
Liquid Mud MUD ( Could be turned into CMUD and SMUD when cooled down.)
Ceramic Mud CMUD ( Mallable and creates a good ceramic.)
Solid Concrete (SCON)
@12Me21. If this were real life I would agree, Ceramics are used as electrical insulators. However, this an opportunity to have an alernative to using FRME which is almost indestructable.
so... I still don't see what is wrong with the insulator idea.
so... I still don't see what is wrong with the insulator idea.
A nonflammable insl would be great, actually.
This is the best idea, hopefully this gets improved.
Isn't there one in I belive jacob1's mod?
OK then we need the tmp or tmp2 of CRMC to set whether it is spark passing or blocking. Or do those do something already?