Would it be a good idea to have several people host a server for it where people can play together? (which means the community hosts the server actually which saves the dedicated server thingy)
@plead-for-destruction (View Post)
yes, but there should be a forum thread for it where you can check which one is online (people need to update it them self)
like ip adress ..... by ..... is now online/offline (and with edit you can change it easily )
@plead-for-destruction (View Post)
Yep i just checked online, aparently dll files dont run on macs since they are windows specific... crap...
Yes, lua sockets already contains all the things for building on Mac, which I was about to do, but now I'm not home for a week so maybe someone else can. Source is here http://files.luaforge.net/releases/luasocket/luasocket/luasocket-2.0.2
...would it be possible to add a Random feature? ya know like type /c random and u wait for a while and u will get like a few possible connections and you would type in /c connection(#) #=connection that you selected... would that be possible in some sorta way?