Version 7.0 is now released. It does a lot of new stuff, but there are two main things. The drawing speed is increased by a lot. If you want, you can make the cursor as large as possible and Shift+draw a line from one corner to another, and it will only take a few seconds. If you tried this in the normal version, it would lag so much that it would appear frozen. The speed increase for tools isn't as much (on purpose), so don't try this with them. Also, you can now use my mod to make something you saved in beta (or this mod) able to be published on the server. Just don't use any new things and it will let you. The save below was saved in my mod.
A third thing is a change to sponge, it can now pull stuff! Try opening this save: (credit to pouliott for making it. If you don't want me to use it, I will delete it)