I know how to fix the stickmans, just make a new map and put a new stickman anywhere, later you can load the map with stickman, but sometimes it does not spawn, just put the stickman at the start location and all will be ok until you will need to fix it again , I don't know what really causes this but this should be a good info, also, I think you can ban the spammer's ip by banning xxx.xxx.xxx.0 to 255 (this does not works for some contries).
i was told if you save a stamp in a beta version and copy it to a newer normal version the beta stamps will appear as blank spaces will this be fixed i am just going to cry if it cant be fixed
@sevonofnine Saves and stamps from a newer version are deliberately prevented from opening in an older version for compatibility reasons (older versions cannot use new elements). They should, however, work fine in versions that are the same as or newer than the version they were created with.
idk if its just me with my rubish computer but whenever i go on powder toy somtimes it says all uploads are from a newer version then it turns itself off after a while. it first happend about a weak ago.
I have a problem with wifi im trying to use the nscn for my robot using wifi to turn it off and the same for pscn but when i heat up one to like 70 and the other is at 22 they both spark when i get the switch for one sparked and yes they are the same temp please help