ssc4k Not very, Currently I've only managed to get it working on OSX. I'm also having to re-write a lot of the code for particle interaction for OpenCL.
Not very, Currently I've only managed to get it working on OSX. I'm also having to re-write a lot of the code for particle interaction for OpenCL.
Since you aren't pushing to the repo you aren't exactly opening up for other developers you know. Every change made by them will likely have to be reverted once you push and they merge.
@Simon: There are devs here that may be able to help you on this if you work closely enough, I think I know enough of opencl to get it to work on windows with some work even and I'm not that good of a dev. Good work by the way.
HaterSalad I can't tell you at the moment. because I haven't got the full simulation running. ssc4k It won't be a problem, I can re-write it, if need be.