@tmo97(View Post) "DRAY is lame" yup. but the thing is, it was from console particle. console particle is bad because it can do any LUA scripts and can destroy your whole computer. what's worse, console particle or DRAY? "but there's plenty of electric components now... what else is there to accomplish?" loads of things that are not done yet. computers with printers, keyboards that can write and activate another electric component, randomizers and life (this should be related to generations). that's what i can think for now. "how's the QRTZ thing related?" to your first post. you complain about TUNG's brittleness is high. QRTZ have a high brittleness too when it is in low temperature.
It does what it should do, then spawns random dray. I'll have to look at the source for my gamma I guess. iirc it's just recolored electrons sans spark.
@tmo97(View Post) DRAY only copies to (amount of TMP)pixel. "the electronics is already vast and complicated" yes, that was a bunch of electronics element, but each electronics element has its own special properties. which is reasonable.