Wow, one correction/mistake about physics, and a whole stream of off topic things follow. this is an element suggestion thread, not a black hole thread!
---Don't bother addressing me, I rarely get on the forums...
hmm... this black hole debate has given me a thought...
worm hole.
Any particle that touches the worm hole is replicated on every other wormhole particle (not totally surrounded by other particles). Sounds a little silly, and I can think of multiple problems straight away, like will the original particle continue to be copied if it remains in contact with the wormhole?(maybe worm hole will act like void for the copied particle?) and will it just keep replicating because the replicated particles are touching? If the idea is worth expanding any more, please say so . I think it'll be pretty cool...
I mainly came up with this idea for teleporting SPRK to other locations faster and with out wires (or an uber plasma death beam ), conductors adjacent to a worm hole will carry the current through to any other conductors touching worm hole.