Wilq Yes u are right When a star ran out of " Fuel" ( Hydrogen ( H ) ) His Principal source of power will be Helium then the star wil start to grow ( Our Sun is a normal Star ) when the star arrive to be Red supergiant it will lose power.... then when hasn't more fuel it will compress into a small dot ( The force of this compress is equal to compress 100 EIFFEL TOWERS in the tip of a biro! ) Then will collapse EXPLODING! It can be a black dwarf, a quasar or a BLACK HOLE The black hole is an hole in the wowen of universe,that is so much powerful to suck in also the light around it.( This is why we cant see them ) The temperature into a black hole is the coldest known ( Over -250° C ) Every thing that is into that will be oblitearted for cold and gravity force. It's impossible to stabilze a black hole....( To stabilize 1 will be neccessary a gravity acceleration of 8 x 10^8 ) his mass equivals to 10 times our SUN! See this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/63/Gamma_ray_burst.jpg
I like science ( Im been promoted with A+ ) ( The A+ equivals to 10 in italy ? )
Actually, blackholes are very "hot" from the emission of x-rays, UV, radio, and Hawking radiation. They are, ironically, one of the most powerful sources of radiant energy in the universe.
My idea for an element is clay CLAY. When in contact with water, it turns into wet clay wCLY. When pressured, it turns to a powder. When water is added, it also turns into wet clay. It would melt into a lava at a very high temp. What do you guys think?