DTEC seems to copy the colour of BRAY fine for me in the development branch.
The relevant commit was https://github.com/simtr/The-Powder-Toy/commit/a71cb3b2546abd82dc9389d5827ca04e399e4d07
I compiled the development branch version just yesterday (and recompiled again just now to make sure), and it does not copy the color of BRAY for me. But it looks like you're planning to add that feature, so that's good enough for me. I'll just keep using drakide's patch until the next official version is released.
Edit: It ignores PSCN-BRAY though, right? Seeing how FILT doesn't affect PSCN-BRAY, copying its color would be kinda odd.
Still woundring should Cray do this tpt.io/.271297
Yes, it ignores PSCN-BRAY.
It doesn't do that for me. For me the INSL is deleted, which is what I believe is supposed to happen. Perhaps you could provide a save demonstrating it?
But why does Cray delete INSL ? the Tmp of Cray is 4 that means it should only delete everything within 4 px INSL is the 5th px.
I believe that tmp=4 means that it should delete up to 4 particles, not that the range is 4 px.
The tmp value is the sum of (particles successfully created)+(particles successfully deleted).
If ctype = SPRK, then no particles are created when the CRAY is sparked with PSCN and tmp value = (particles successfully deleted)
I found a bug.
If you use INST to activate an ARAY, a "no effect" FILT will block the BRAY.
See this save: 1511336View Save 1511336
Edit: Disregard this, it's a bug in my personal TPT.
i think that all developers should make some elements more detailed though. i love this game.