dnerd your one is not very realistic no directory input logic or store and read also its not your ram you are using its devast8a but its ok aslong as you give him lots of credit cayse all you have done it add wires.
Ok translation. Dnerd, your one is not very realistic. Neither is it logical for use seeing as it has no directory inputs, also you did not make your ram its Devast8a,s all you have done is put wires on it.
Sweet, I remember doing this a while ago, I checked the comments section recently and found that I'd got a couple of pretty abusive comments from lucas there.
@cctvdude99 Very nice, but it will hold on to the spark, so your just as good making a spark loop with 1 spark then with 4 sparks in a loop... But good job for your first time...
@All *Notice: I will be releasing my new 1-bit memory within a few hours, as well as a guide to the past "generations" of TPT memory!