Yo's. I bring singularity bombs,Rpgs, and artillary shells (and bullets). Check out my saves. My hat Shall be half yellow half black. Thanks for letting me in.
Tanks! Add a uprgrade category with incindary 10, explosive 12, corrosive 15, singularity 40, poison 20, knockout 17, and freezer 22 bullets/rockets. Also add a vehicles category with rock 4 :D, bike 10, motorcycle 20, ATVv25, Toyota Camry 30, Pick-up 32, Jeep 35, Hummer 40, Big Rig 50, Armored Car 55, APC 65, Tank 70, THE CAR FROM GREEN HORNET 90, Helicopter 105, Boeing 747 120, Jet 130, SR71 Blackbird 165, Bomber 175, Battleship 190, Aircraft Carrier 215, and Nuclear Submarine 250. (Numbers are credits)
Might want to add old weapons like Bow and Dagger.