Jacob1's Mod

  • The-Fall
    1st Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)


    A TMP setting for Heat Conducting Switch perhaps would work.

    Thank you for this mod, I have made a fully operational hurricane simmulator for a class next year, and showed it to several of my chemistry teachers aswell.


    Edit: Uses; Making a working refridgerator, Making a Heat sink for various High Temerature Machines.

    Edit 2: Did you make yourt mod Threaded to work with multiple CPU's? If So, It doesnt seem to take advantage of my 6-Core CPU.

  • jacob1
    1st Jul 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @The-Fall (View Post)
    1. Okay, I'll probably do it sometime, after I find the thread for the other suggestion. I won't make it a tmp value setting though, because it shouldn't give back heat to the insulator. Also, by one way, did you mean insulator to non-insulator?

    2. Does the normal version do that? There is something in the source, #ifdef MT, maybe the official version does that but i'm not sure. I also only have one core, so I wouldn't be able to test if it worked.

    Anouncement: I'm going on a vacation (sort of) next week, so i'll be gone without internet. I'll probably release a new version of my mod on friday before I leave.

    Edit: you can't even see the <hr>, it's too thin and invisible.
  • boxmein
    1st Jul 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @jacob1 (View Post)
    Looking at the red background, it's visible enough. :D
    Anyways, the parser will fix it anyways, but next time use valid XHTML please?
    <hr />
    instead of
    ? (Just something unnecessary)
  • jacob1
    1st Jul 2012 Developer 1 Permalink
    @boxmein (View Post)
    OK, for me the background is yellow though, so it's only hard for me to see. Also, I type <hr> because I didn't know at first, and since it corrects it for me, its just shorter that way.
  • lorddeath
    4th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Doesnt work no .sdll or something like that

  • jacob1
    4th Jul 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @lorddeath (View Post)
    What is the exact error? Does it need msvcr100.dll? I wasn't sure if my mod still needed that, so I didn't include it. If that was the error, i'll put it with the next update on friday. Please reply, I really need to know if my mod needs it.

    Edit: didn't include it, if you need it, it should be in libraries.zip on the download page, in the build folder
  • jacob1
    5th Jul 2012 Developer 2 Permalink
    Version 17 Released for windows

    Version 17 7/5/12 - I go on vacation next week (leaving tomorrow), so I won't be here then
    Many minor graphical fixes to the HUD. FIND can find 3 things at once. Left selected element is red, right selected is blue, and alternate selected is green. LCtrl/RCtrl/Shift + F to toggle these. Also, a new FIND2 button which toggles an alternate find mode more similar to my lua script, where first everything is dimmed, and then a dot is put over what your're finding. Click a user ID to switch to showing comment post times and dates instead. Use the DATE button to change the format. Date format also applies to the HUD now, if you chose to display it. The areas for stamp saving, copying, and cutting can be drawn backwards now. Fix first comment on saves not showing. Fix crash bug with powered electronics and moving solids, ANIM activated instantly now too. New flood-fill brush shape. Many speed improvements by skiping unneeded things. WOOD and PLNT look burnt when hot and frozen when cold. VIRS has a small chance of destroying CURE. saving stamps looks better & you can delete multiple stamps at once with Ctrl+red delete button. Many other minor fixes and changes.

    Lots of changes in this version, there's even some things not listed here. I won't be here at all from tomorrow until July 15 or 16, because i'm going on vacation, so I won't respond to anything, I won't even have internet.

    Also, I compiled a new testing version of tpt++, using OpenGL for some things.
  • Nab1929
    7th Jul 2012 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • jacob1
    15th Jul 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Nab1929 (View Post)
    Okay, i'll look into that later, I can't get the save to load but it is probably because of the extremely slow internet i'm using. I wouldn't be able to fix it right now anyways.

    Edit: I got it to load and saw the bug, i'm not sure what would cause that right now, but I will fix it later.
    Edit2: Glitch I discovered when trying to fix this - Draw any solid, then !set vx all 1. I accidentally recreated moving sponge with everything!
    Edit3: I fixed that glitch and a glitch with particle transitions, but I still haven't found the cause of yours. Will fix later (again).
    Edit4: Fixed it.

    Edit5: Randomly made this:
    Also, I'm not sure if i'll do a version 17.1 soon to fix bugs or wait for 18.
  • PacBrad
    21st Jul 2012 Banned 0 Permalink
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