Jacob1's Mod

  • plead-for-destruction
    15th Jun 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    Ask and you shall receive @jacob1 here is your post :D
  • boxmein
    15th Jun 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @plead-for-destruction (View Post)
    @jacob1, now's your moment to deliver! :(
  • plead-for-destruction
    15th Jun 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @boxmein (View Post)
    He must hurry, Uther pen dragon will stop at nothing to destroy his magical mod!
  • nmd
    15th Jun 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @plead-for-destruction (View Post)

     Alas! It cannot penetrate the insl ttan shield surrounding the magical mystery that is jacob1's mod. But it is getting help...

  • plead-for-destruction
    15th Jun 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @nmd (View Post)
    it? Uther pen dragon is king of camalot XD
  • jacob1
    15th Jun 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    Version 16 released. I got a new charger, my computer is working again (except the battery is still really bad, but it still lasts almost an hour unplugged, which it never is)

    Version 16 6/14/12
    VOID and PVOD can be set to only eat their ctype (or only not eat it if their tmp is 1). Local save deletion inside tpt. Fix saving as release/beta version, fix many saving propblems. Fix SING explosion. lua functions can be auto-completed when writing commands in the console (ex. type "tpt.s" and press tab, it changes to "tpt.set_property("). Works with many common lua console commands/things. Lightning can be cloned and it's initial direction is affected by Newtonian gravity too. Right HUD always drawn on top. Moving solids are solid inside and much less glitchy. Also, use tpt.moving_solid() to allow any element to move like moving solid. Update to newer than 80.4 source.

    If you were impressed by moving solids before, then try this version. In this, moving solids are completely solid inside, and you can make anything move like them using tpt.moving_solid(...)! They also still work with any shape (it doesn't have to be a perfect circle), can rotate, and everything about them is much less glitchy! If you make something a moving solid, they will save in saves correctly too. I made an example save to show them off: click to open. I know much better stuff can be done, this was really just a test to see if they would save.

    This version also fixes and improves how saves are made. If you have any saves made a long time ago from the PSv format in this mod using its elements, I would highly recommend pasting and resaving them (if they even still load right), because in the future, they may not work. I didn't prepare that format enough for the future when PT_NUM is increased, and I don't have any more stamps that old except for a few, so I may support stamps that old in the future. In later versions, a function will be called that fixes the element numbers once PT_NUM is increased.

    Also, I want to know, for the people that previously need msvcr100.dll, do you still need it?

    @plead-for-destruction (View Post)
    @boxmein (View Post)
    Just a little too late, I had to wait a day anyway.
  • plead-for-destruction
    15th Jun 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @jacob1 (View Post)
    You my friend, will make history!
  • The-Fall
    15th Jun 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Now, Could you try to make rope, with a similar method to the soap rope trick?

  • Nab1929
    15th Jun 2012 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • jacob1
    15th Jun 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @The-Fall (View Post)
    I don't know if rope would work that well with the way moving solids currently work. Currently, they only bounce away from any particle they touch.

    @Nab1929 (View Post)
    To use the command, you need to type in an element name (ex. tpt.moving_solid("dmnd")), each element needs to be done individually. If I just enabled it for all elements, there would be nothing solid for them to bounce on (they don't bounce on walls right now), making them kind of useless. I might make it easier in the future, I will make a moving solid creation mode where you can draw an entire line or structure that turns into a moving solid, and I might somehow make a button on that.