STOR - stores a particle, releases when chargged with PSCN CO2 - No description - a heavy sinking gas? Looks like no more nooby suggestions of co2 DRIC dry ice (cold co2) BUBW bubbly or cold water (dosn't seem to do anything) Things like HEAT/COOL and AIR/VAC are now in a new menu called Tools. (this last one i've been thinking of requesting for a loooong time)
I think the devs completely missed the mark on the Carbonated water. I know it's beta right now but it's basically just water that looks a little different. Are there any plans to give it the properties I suggested in my Element Suggestion post?
Damn I've missed alot while I was on holiday! It's nice to see you'll again (even though it was only 10 days) I will once again be back on the forums! =D
The updates seem to be speeding up quickly and TPT is growing evermore complex and inovatative. Good job dev's!
@JoshinatorKy(View Post) Yes, Carbonated was is still heavily Beta-ish, try dropping some salt in it though. The main purpose of the beta was for STOR and a few other changes.