Hydrogen and Liquid Hyrdogen

  • Xenocide
    8th Sep 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    I did say O2 would possibly be removed from my simulations but it got merged before I could finish it to how I wanted it (or even decide if I could get it to that point).

    I have already said I am not adding electrolysis because it would break too much.

    Adding H2 gives O2 some (minor) usage.

    Also, as with O2, H2 is just being added so you can't have 2000k liquid explosive.

    Besides, Simon has the ability to pick and choose my edits on my fork as he has done before. I have no control over the main releases, if I did I would have removed O2 instead of PLAS


    Also, H2 and O2 won't fully combine because the game mechanics will only let one sit on top of the other
  • Snitzi
    8th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink

    He asked my opinion on fireworks, not Glow.


    If you don't mind me asking , watch what ?
  • Z0MG1337H4X0R5
    8th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    refferining to when u and FinalFlash where arguing
  • Finalflash50
    8th Sep 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • Xenocide
    8th Sep 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    It forms WATR initially, if you boil it it will become WTRV and then DSTW.
  • MasterMind555
    8th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink

    What I meant is that I think that glow is as useless then you think firework would be.

    Element: H2 (Hydrogen)
    Acts similar to O2, reacts with O2 to create either WATR or DSTW

    Wouldn't it turn into HHO? When you do the electrolysis of water, the O2 and the H2 mix and turn into HHO, which is highly explosive. And maybe under high pression it would turn to water. Minor detail for big realisims that nobody cares or see the difference.
  • Xenocide
    8th Sep 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    I'm not a scientist and I've followed a flawed logic to get to this, admittedly. But I'm not implementing anything scientific and this is a "just for fun" thing for me. If you want to add more to it feel free to pull my github fork and change some code ^^
  • Neospector
    8th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Um just a suggestion, and I can't code well so Idk, but wouldn't it be easier to make it online only? ROBLOX studio is a download, but it requires an internet connection to the server. Adding that might increase memory usage and allow you to place more elements, like Hydrogen, and more combinations, like turning O2 and H2 into water. Again comparing to ROBLOX, the studio requires little space, and allows players to script, save things to the server, c-frame, and lots more. Wouldn't that make it easier to add Hydrogen? hehehehe I'm smarter than admins. kidding.
  • Finalflash50
    8th Sep 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • HolyExLxF
    8th Sep 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Wouldn't it turn into HHO? When you do the electrolysis of water, the O2 and the H2 mix and turn into HHO, which is highly explosive.

    HHO is a myth. What you're thinking of is simple hydrogen combustion done in an excess of hydrogen.