mods always reject the good ideas. tpt would have way more users if they listened, and yes. adverts do pay..
The moderators only reject "good" ideas due to being either technologically infeasible, failing in application (meaning most suggested elements do get coded at some point) which means basically that it was coded, experimented with, but ditched due to being effectively useless or simply not working the way it was intended.
If we filled the game with this sort of element, the game would be terrible. And we can't remove those elements. Soap does something incredibly unique that no other element does, which is probably why it's even in the game right now. The same as INVS, which only turns transparent on pressure and changes photons into neutrons, BIZR which only has reverse phase changes, and BOYL which does nothing except for expand with pressure.
Gimmick elements are nothing new, I don't want to hear any more complaining about this :(