If we run out of elements can we make another game called the New Powder Toy with no crappy useless elements but rather fun dynamic/useful user suggested elements?
@Catelite. here is a use for TESC id:1387466 my first published save used it to make laser heaters. also they are the electric heaters I use in my oven save.
Plant and vine are kinda useless, except for decoration.
There are more useless elements out there than you know...
PLNT, VINE, GRAV, LOVE, LOLZ, EQVE (Why no remove after it failed?!), a crap ton of elements that can destroy almost anything (SING, AMTR, BOMB, DEST) when they're going to be banned, ANAR, etc....
I know how to use sing and warp but I'm just saying they're too many of these types of elements