jacksonmj... Well, I know I'm just visiting the pilot house of this battleship, so I don't think I can grab the wheel and cut my own course. But... As earlier I noted that approval (+1) is self explanitory. A menu for down voting would add the requirement to click twice instead of once, true. It would also give a person the opportunity to draw the posters attention to a specific issue by an anonomous coded reason under the save on the owners profile . The code of, say, "STOLEN" appearing under a users save on their profile gives the user the chance to write in the saves comment a defence Or, maybe do a search and find it true. Even with the best of intent, mistakes are made. "BROKEN" calls their attention to a save they haven't checked lately that needs repair. All this leads to the original down voter having the chance to change their vote if the posters comments convince. In part you state "...if mods could see information on all votes by a particular user..." In an earlier part of this thread I noted that only after a specific number of auto-flagged downvotes had been reached would a mod be alerted. With respect, are mods able to watch every users voting? Are there a lot of false reports that need to be checked only to be found untrue? You note, too, "...people can just choose a random (code)..." Yes. As I mentioned earlier "Haters gonna hate" "Welcome to life. Move on." But ANY additional info that can be given is going to be better than none. I would like to point out too, that if a menu drops down asking for a code, people would be able to catch themselves from accidentally down voting. That would be good. Finally, as a thought experiment ONLY, If I said "I agree with you", (+1) end of thread. If I said "Your so e***n wrong", (-1) you might wonder, or even ask, why. Sorry if I seem too argumentative.
I still don't see why there are downvotes in the first place, other sites work well without them, you might say that they help to stop stealing, but there is a report button for that.
In support of my proposal I offer this anecdote. Someone just down voted two of my saves including one that has not been uploaded for a while. That means they had to go find it to down vote it. I sure would like to know why. All power to freedom of speech but, what the hey?!
Liked this suggestion but I couldn't help. It don't look like a suggestion that can be implemented... Sorry.
[Basic Reasons]
1.[left blank]
2.break rules
3.don't work
4.no creavity
6.Oh no, I accidentally pressed the Downvote button... Sorry
7.Haters gonna hate
10.not good
11.I don't get it (confusing)
12.not better than someone else's
13.don't deserve FP
It is not even possible to let people to give a reason. People either do not understand English and leaves blank, or they just gives those 'basic reason', or they are too lazy to give a reason. I bet only 5%(maybe 2%) of TPT community can write the exact reason.
I think a better solution to 'WHY DOWNVOTE?' is to avoid annoymous downvotes. Then the author can know if someone downvoted(and voted) which of his saves(and when), without knowing who exactly is him. Then you can report if he downvoted too much saves (of course mods know who you are reporting).
Never would a person need to write ANYthing. Only choose from a smallish list. You have a list of reasons that, in my opinion, would not be supported by the user community as a whole. Blank would not be an option. As is, the report button gives no guidance to either the user or mod as to why the save was down voted or reported. A down vote for stealing would be, as all down votes, listed on the users profile under the save. A simple 1-? code. If the user sees a down vote on thier save, they can go to their profile and see what code was used. If a down vote was made because the voter chose the STOLEN code, the user could make a defence of their save as not stolen. If the user was convincing, the down voter would be able to change their vote. If the down vote was made because the code chosen was BROKEN, the user could go to and fix the save and, if they chose to, the down voter could change their vote. Perhaps to an up vote or just remove the down vote and leave it as no vote at all. I think the best route for creating the codes would be a user wide polling. Then the mods make a proposed final list which could be commented on by the user community. The final choice of codes would be made by the mods. ( at which point we could expect SOMEbody to freak out. As would happen with ANY change.) I imagine many of the reported saves are, in fact when reviewed by the mods, found not to be a violation at all. The separate report button would be replaced with a code for REPORT. Time will be saved. So... ONLY in my opinion, your codes -- 1.? No. 2.? Yes. 3.? Yes. 4.Yes. 5.? Same as 4. 6.? Unintended down votes would be very unlikely if a menu drops down. It drops. You stop. You vote up. 7.? is same as 8. yes, but mabe "I don't like it" (a valid feeling.) 9.? no. too vague. Choose a code why. 10.? same as 7-8. 11.? Sure. Gives the user a chance to explain to, maybe teach, the down voter. 12.? Same as 4. 13.? Then chose a code that tells the user why. I can think of a list that would be a bit different than yours. Others different than mine. We offer. We discuss. Mods choose. SOMEbody bi**hes. As for those who do not understand English? If they don't now, the change wouldn't make them uderstand it any less. But they could learn, say by asking in the forum for a translation. A few codes would be easier to learn than the whole of the language. WHY DOWNVOTE? More info is better than no info. I might learn something. You might teach something. xetalim... Let's hope the same doesn't hold for the aliens that are going to come to Earth. And they are coming! Oh, yes. They ARE coming.
To be honest. I'm not reading any of that because of formatting. So please do us a favor and make things neat and organized.
If you pitch an idea, actually make it look appealing.
The person only need to choose a reason, yes. But have you EVER thought of the developers? They has to write those reasons, and calculate various things just to create that dialog. Simon has to do a maintenance to create a new database record, which will take a lot of server space. How about the old downvotes? How about those who don't understand English? etc, etc. You should think more of others than 'usual users'.
I understand @Lockheedmartin and @Simon, they would not accept this, probably they would not even read this. Because of the reason I listed.
Chin-richway2... Yes. I do realise that making changes would require effort. This forum is meant to be used for suggestions, right? Any suggestion would require, if implemented, effort.
I did cover non english speakers. I covered the concerns of others, as well. I said nothing about changing old votes. To say I don't think of other than 'usual users' is incorrect. I talked extensivly about new, and therefore not usual users. Oats... It would sadden me if they did. I thought this forum was about making suggestions. To reiterate. I thought this is where I was to make any suggestions. As I said earlier, I know I'm just visiting the pilot house of this battleship and I don't think I can just grab the wheel and cut my own course. Believe me please when I say I am not mad. Someone posted on one of my saves that I am. Why would I be? No hating. We just talking here. Thats all. Right? ( I tried to edit this post to have paragraphs. I never took typing instruction and am lost as to how to get the tab on my keboard to do as I ask it. Not trying to be snarky, just ignorant.)