The whole thing had to be redone into a simple XYZ plane. The size is a 10 x 10 x 10 box. Each pixel is measured and locked from the center of mass. Meaning the pixel is 1 and the center of the pixel is (.5+X, .5+Y, .5+Z) Essentially all actions are done based on that coordinate. Some particles will however over lap like so:
How far away is it from completion and how fast does it run (average FPS)?
Ten's not that bad considering what it can do.
When I first thought of 3d tpt, I thought it was going to just a graphical representation, with all the reactions acting on a 2d plane, but the user could rotate it and look at the back. This is beyond anything I hoped or dreamed...
You made that user just to say that we are dumb?
I like trains.