no, I either have to ban everyone or wait for Simon who's been missing a month (but he said he'd be back at the end of this month, which is only 2 days left).
But I can say that whoever is doing it can expect a much longer ban if they don't come out an say it. If someone did admit to it and stopped now, I would probably ban them for a few days; but if they keep doing it secretly, maybe a week or 2, since that's how long it has been going on.
@jacob1(View Post) okay. I edited my previous post as you posted: Now, only the 1 pixel directly in contact with the SPRK(PSCN) gets it's tmp to go up. To make the tmp of all adjacent LTHM particles to up too, i tried this, but failed. How to solve this problem? if((r&0xFF)==PT_LTHM && parts[r>>8].tmp < parts[i].tmp) { parts[r>>8].tmp = parts[i].tmp; }