More Quantum physics for tpt

  • billion57
    21st Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @firefreak11 (View Post)
    Gamma, UV, IR, Microwave, X-Ray, are all PHOT.
  • BoredInSchool
    21st Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @-Troll: I think that this should be modded, if not put straight into the official version. This is a very, very well thought out suggestion and the only problem(except for the little factual errors that other users have already corrected) I see for it is that TPT is apparently supposed to be kid-friendly so I could just imagine a 8,9,or 10 year old looking at all of these particles and having his brain explode from all of this science. However, this would at least make an awesome edition to any mod aiming to make TPT more of a physics simulator.
  • dulix11
    21st Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink


    i dunno he was coming up with a heap of strange sounding elements, i just thought i could contribute.

  • firefreak11
    21st Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @billion57 (View Post) yes i know that but all could be different elements with different properties.  just saying....   
    also, i am going to include these in my mod which will be ready for its first release soon...
    5th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    You should have a 3 new tabs in tpt named quarks: (UQUA, CQUA, TQUA, DQUA, SQUA, and BQUA Up quark Charm quark ect...) with their respective quantum properties. Then Leptons: (ELEC, the real electrons, MUON, TAU, ELNE (electron neutrino) MUNE (muon neutrino) TANE (Tau neutrino). Then you should have Gauge B (gauge bosons) for the force carriers. GLUO (gluon, stong force carrier or color charge) PHOT (the real version of Photons, carries electro-magnetic force) and WBOS and ZBOZ for the weak nuclear force. all with their respective properties, and if you want you can add GRVN (for the hypothetical graviton, could do some interesting stuff with that) and the Higgs Boson if you want, HGBO dont know what it would do, but you could work with it.

    Edited once by ELECTRODE. Last: 5th Feb 2014
  • tugrul_512bit
    5th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Hello, I tried a double-slit experiement but photons did not change their angle. If it is quantum-based then smaller slits would give passing electrons a bigger randomized diffraction velocity along slit axis while bigger slits doesnt affect much. Are you using a particle approach or a wave approach for photons?   I can add opencl-gpu random number generator for you after finishing the airSolver auxilliary function here .

    Edited once by tugrul_512bit. Last: 5th Feb 2014
  • minecraft-physics
    5th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Maybe the diffraction does not occur because we are constantly observing it?


    But seriously diffraction should be implemented; because Physics.

  • KydonShadow
    5th Feb 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    I dont even know if this thread is relevant anymore...

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