Magnetic field or thoughts about plasma, thunder and spark

  • Andrewrox
    23rd Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Both of the new elements and walls are great. The effect for plasma I like especially.
  • tutut125
    23rd Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    well i think it would open a whole new list of things that people could make!!!
  • tutut125
    23rd Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    o and YOU CAN MAKE PLASma!!! it is made in small quataties when u use thunder on things such as wax!
  • savask
    23rd Jul 2010 Developer 0 Permalink
    Ok, thanks for criticism, the bigger part (and Simon) thinks that this is useless, so it is so.
  • SerGreen
    23rd Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    No, i don't think that it is useless!
    And it is not hard to code (no harder than the pressure). Actually magnetism would work like pressure, but for the magnetizable particles. So mostly it will be copy-paste.
    But introducing magnetism gives us ability to control plasma, metals and magnets. With the help of magnetism it would be possible to create plazmagun (lol ), perpetual motion machine, thermonuclear reactor and etc.
    So i think that magnetism should be in this game (btw it would be the first sandbox with such functionality) becouse it opens wide abilities

    I hope you will reconsider your opinion on this matter.
  • Felix
    23rd Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    No, i don't think that it is useless!
    And it is not hard to code (no harder than the pressure). Actually magnetism would work like pressure, but for the magnetizable particles. So mostly it will be copy-paste.
    But introducing magnetism gives us ability to control plasma, metals and magnets. With the help of magnetism it would be possible to create plazmagun (lol ), perpetual motion machine, thermonuclear reactor and etc.
    So i think that magnetism should be in this game (btw it would be the first sandbox with such functionality) becouse it opens wide abilities

    I hope you will reconsider your opinion on this matter.

    If it is so easy why don't you do it?
  • SerGreen
    23rd Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Actually i'm thinking about it
    And if i will not finding myself too blunt, i'll do something like magnetism.
  • bchandark
    23rd Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I don't really understand how magnetism would work...would north BRML get attracted to south BRML? and how would it help in creating a thermonuclear reactor?
  • SerGreen
    23rd Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Well, as i think BRML will be attracted to most powerful charge (no matter plus or minus charged).
    In the case of thermonuclear reactor, main component in it is plazma. As well known, plazma can be guided by magnetic field. So we can hold plazma in some box and don't let it flow out.

    EDIT: It's just a theory. But i want to know whether people whant to see magnetism in the game. If yes, i will try to do this. And laws in which particles will interact with magnetic field, then will be discussed.
  • seehp
    23rd Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I would love to see magnetism in TPT only if it can be switched off (like the temp toggle).