triclops200 : No to all WHAT?! WHAT??!? In general, is he going to add new elements? And what this topic exists for, if Simon does not add to the game what people want to see in it? Looks like he never comes to this topic...
I'm pretty sure they already said most of the ones that get denied are the ones that have no real use, as in they either do nothing new or aren't fun, a lot of those elements that people want we already have the same functionality in game.
See like smoke doesn't really have any use but it's something fun and enjoyable to people, and like triclops said :P it looks nice! And I can imagine people making a lot of use for it.
Although, I kind of want plastic as well, but I think wax is a good equivalent.
In my opinion Nobel Gas is much more useless than coal, antimatter, or LED! But it is present! So why not add new elements, and the people themselves will choose which of them will be helpful to them and what will they use?
i still think that capacitor is a good idea, a battery that is de/activated with N and P type silicon respectively (like Liquid Crystal, except it generates electricity instead of another colour...).
How about a strong glass that is more resistant to pressure? I use it a lot to contrast with LCRY but in 40.3, it keeps breaking due to the pressure of my black hole.