Powder Sim 2

  • wolfy1339
    27th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @xetalim (View Post)

     I totally agree!

    Someone has to go in the elements and change the element numbers so that the TPT elements are first and have there original number and the rest go after the tpt elements.

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     Ok, i won't delete love.

    @cyberdragon (View Post)

     It did for me and i only had one file of it and it was causing compiling issues.

  • xetalim
    27th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink



    This is a BUILD

    this is for testing purposes only

    it lags horribly

    and has bugs.


    also, it seems that water has been broken:O

  • wolfy1339
    27th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @xetalim (View Post)

     The file is huge compared to TPT!

    What? Water is broken? How did this happen?

  • xetalim
    27th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @wolfy1339 (View Post)

     i am currently looking at it.

  • wolfy1339
    27th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Someone has to go in the elements and change the element numbers so that the TPT elements are first and have there original number and the rest go after the tpt elements.


    The first build just got fixed!

    Alot of bugs were fixed!


  • cyberdragon
    27th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Total Failure. aqua regia = white hole, dest vanishes, bomb won't even place, and those are just the ones I immediately noticed. 

    Harsh Verdict:

    unsalvageable, please try again


    EDIT: Flammable substances also ignite imediately

  • randalserrano
    27th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    This mod needs a lot of work. a lot of things are reacting when they shouldnt, and a lot of things are broken. I would advise the person in charge to get a dev to take a look at some of the code and give some advice on what to do. There are a lot of elements that have been implemented into this mod at once. I personally would have implemented only a few at a time and get them to work properly before adding more. The way you guys are doing it is a bit wreckless and can be dangerous to some computers.

  • wolfy1339
    27th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @randalserrano (View Post)

     It is only a test build.

    We will fix it for the final release.

    I will take note, and do it next time.

    @cyberdragon (View Post)

    I know, we need to fix things.

    All elements id number has to change. (TPT elements first then mod elements.

     Also to note, we are compiling on a beta build of tpt so that is why we some problems

  • cyberdragon
    27th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    No, those are definately not beta problems, those are your problems. -_-


    EDIT: What aweful thing is this in Simulation.h, here's one cause of death, lines 2714-2724:


    int drawOn = pmap[y][x]&0xFF;
    if (((elements[drawOn].Properties & PROP_DRAWONCTYPE) ||
    (drawOn == PT_STOR && !(elements[t].Properties & TYPE_SOLID)) ||
    (drawOn == PT_PCLN && t != PT_PSCN && t != PT_NSCN) ||
    (drawOn == PT_PBCN && t != PT_PSCN && t != PT_NSCN))
    && (!(elements[t].Properties & PROP_NOCTYPEDRAW)))
    parts[pmap[y][x]>>8].ctype = t;
    if (t == PT_LIFE && v < NGOL && drawOn != PT_STOR)
    parts[pmap[y][x]>>8].tmp = v;
    if you want it to work, I advise you to get rid of this, it should be:

    int drawOn = pmap[y][x]&0xFF;
    if ((
    (drawOn == PT_STOR && !(elements[t].Properties&TYPE_SOLID)) ||
    drawOn==PT_CLNE ||
    drawOn==PT_BCLN ||
    drawOn==PT_CONV ||
    (drawOn==PT_PCLN&&t!=PT_PSCN&&t!=PT_NSCN) ||
    t != PT_CLNE && t != PT_PCLN && t != PT_BCLN && t != PT_STKM && t != PT_STKM2 && t != PT_PBCN && t != PT_STOR && t != PT_FIGH && t != PT_CONV)
    parts[pmap[y][x]>>8].ctype = t;
    if (t == PT_LIFE && v < NGOL && drawOn != PT_STOR) parts[pmap[y][x]>>8].tmp = v;

     EDIT: found more this (line 2814):
    casePT_ACID: casePT_CAUS:
    definately should be this
    case PT_ACID: case PT_CAUS: case PT_AQRG:
    EDIT: Oh...and everything between 2952 and 3017 is wrongity wrong!
  • wolfy1339
    28th Jun 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    @cyberdragon (View Post)

    I update our repo with the latest changes in the tpt repo.... So, don't blame me... Also the element stalk(COFFEE.cpp) is using Vine Mode which won't be supported on the next release of TPT.

    I probably fixed one problem: elements aren't spawning as the right element.


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