Jacob1's Mod

  • jacob1
    18th Dec 2020 Developer 0 Permalink
    @lavamanheroVLO (View Post)
    Please see my last post, it has instructions for how to ignore this error. Powder Toy has not, and has never been a virus. Microsoft just doesn't want you downloading programs off websites like ours. Problem is, this website is the only method we have of distributing the app.
  • sillysimulatordude
    20th Dec 2020 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • bird1213333
    23rd Dec 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    Windows defender said it was a trojan, I dont really trust it. if it was flagged because it was new why is it saying its a trojan?

  • jacob1
    23rd Dec 2020 Developer 0 Permalink
    @bird1213333 (View Post)
    Version 44.4 was uploaded 2 weeks ago. My mod's usage is somewhat down recently, so windows defender hasn't seen the .exe file enough to trust it yet.

    And by the time it trusts it I'll probably have a new version out ... that's just how it goes.
  • bird1213333
    23rd Dec 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    i know but why is it saying its a trojan?

  • jacob1
    23rd Dec 2020 Developer 0 Permalink
    @bird1213333 (View Post)
    Can you send a screenshot? With any specifics you can find about a "trojan". Windows defender doesn't usually say that, but it will always do it's best to block people from downloading .exe files from the internet. It might just have a generic message like "untrusted applications may be a trojan". This isn't an accusation of a virus, it's just stating the fact that if you download something untrusted from the internet, you don't know what it is, and it could be a virus.
    So you have to trust that it's not a virus, which in this case it isn't. I wouldn't develop this mod for 9 years then suddenly put in a virus and ruin its reputation.
    Edited once by jacob1. Last: 23rd Dec 2020
  • bird1213333
    23rd Dec 2020 Member 1 Permalink

  • jacob1
    24th Dec 2020 Developer 0 Permalink
    @bird1213333 (View Post)
    Weird that it is saying that, since I've never seen Windows defender claim there is an actual virus in TPT.

    I just tested it myself, and I can confirm Windows Defender has a problem with the latest version of the mod. I ran it through an online virus scanner which checks the majority of antiviruses, and it can confirm it's not actually a virus: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/6e8ecc51542b663311e414f112ef195aa600e03551366da036535e12e8717ad8/detection

    To tell it to ignore it, open up Windows defender, click on "Protection History", then click on Actions -> Allow on device

    This also allows the mod to be updated, for anyone stuck on 44.2 that needs to update to 44.4
    Edited 2 times by jacob1. Last: 24th Dec 2020
  • Shuttle256
    24th Dec 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    I tried to download the file, but Windows detected a trojan virus, and promptly cancelled the download. Why is this? Am I safe?


    Edit: Nvm

    Edited once by Shuttle256. Last: 24th Dec 2020
  • SomethingCool
    26th Dec 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    add a search bar to the lua script selector thingy