Hey! I noticed today while trying to send in a bug report that there seems to be some sort of problem with the bug report thingy. The first one I attempted to send crashed my client, and the two I tried after gave a http 605 error.
Additionally, and what I was originally trying to send in, for some reason newtonian gravity being on will sometimes cause water and other particles to act as though there is a source of gravity present, even though there isn't.
One more thing, the latest update seems to have broken one of the scripts I use, reporting that 0 is not a particle number.
The specific line it had a problem with was
tpt.set_property('type', 0, x, y)
When using the Prop menu, despite it being still being set to tmp from the last time I used it it tells me "Invalid element name"
Another one, an element I had labeled pwht, Powered Heater, seems to have disappeared. It has been replaced in saves where I used it with an element called EXPL, which appears to be a more explody bomb with some interesting properties, one of which is how difficult it is to acquire. It does not persist between tabs when I middle click it, being replaced with the other element I have which was already labeled EXPL, and will disappear when I reload a save where I saved it, other than the ones where I had pwht.
Was pwht one of yours? I can't seem to find it in my scripts. Perhaps I'm misremembering the name because I can't locate it anywhere.
I have forgotten how to access the search menu, how is it done again?
Console is also fucky, can't set things to none.
Alright man! Thanks for the response, go ahead and take your time! Shame about pwht, but I'll find another way to cool things. Is the code for PWHT somewhere I can get at it? I'd like to try to use it anyway.
Thanks man! I can't believe I never knew it could do those other things, I'm really beating myself about my head right now! I'll be happy to use whatever you end up adding!
Hello again!
A bit more on that newtonian gravity one, it looks like particles go towards each other and thats what I've been seeing. For example, if I put two masses of water down with newtonian gravity on, they move towards each other.
This is true for both powders and liquids, and for both modded and unmodded elements.
Although now that I think about it, this is alot more gravityish than the old way, so this might be working as intended?
Video showing it:
This does happen in all the gravity modes, it's just easiest to see with it off.
I don't know if this is just my problem, but the MacOS app doesn't work when double clicked. After the disk image mounts, you're supposed to be able to just drag the app bundle into the applications folder and open it. However, this time the app icon has a white circle with a line through it on it and gives this message when double clicked:
You can’t open the application “Jacob1's Mod” because it may be damaged or incomplete.
I opened the package contents and ran the executable file in terminal, which worked fine (including loading my pref file). I am running MacOS 10.14.6 and just downloaded the latest version of your mod.
I couldn't find the program in my applications folder since I migrated from my old macbook so I decided to redownload it but this happened.