It makes stickman brown and to much UVR makes him red and if you put excess UVR he will lost health because he gets skin cancer. If it goes through glass is it warmer as a greenhouse. Clouds stops UVR and send it back to earth. So WRTV do it to. Then plant only grow by water and UVR. If there is an element of the two missing(Thats is UVR and water) Plant will not grow.
I would like "Deuterium oxid" that boils at 101,42°C and freezes a 3,82°C, like the real heavy water. "Hydrogen" and "Deuterium" gas, witch burns to "Water"/"Deuterium oxid" would be nice too. And if it would be possible to make a fusion with "Deuterium"/"Deuterium oxid" witch creates "Noble Gas".
Have you seen the mod with half-sized walls? Download it. Check the speed. Go ahead, check it. It is slow. Do you even guess how slow Powder will be with 1px walls?
People who do not search or look at the WIKI where are rejected elements:
I can´t erase "Photons" Floodlight: When fed with energy gives out a lot of photons. YES (at the movable solids)
1. Photons can't be erased. End of discussion. See wifi or use the search ! 2. Use PCLN 3. Rejected 9002 times. By the way, 2 suggestions to people who suggest: 1. Use the Search Bar! 2. Look at the Wiki!